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Алена Савченко и Робин Шолковы. Часть 2

Lizabet: Часть первая здесь Алена Савченко Родилась 19 января 1984 Киев, Украина Другие партнеры: Stanislav Morozov (UKR); Dmitry Boenko (UKR) Робин Шолковы Родился 14 июля 1979 Greifswald, Germany Другие партнерши: Johanna Otto (GER); Claudia Rauschenbach (GER) Тренер и хореограф Инго Штоер Официальный сайт: http://www.pixeleis.de/ Информация http://www.fsonline.ru

Ответов - 137, стр: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 All

Ксюшка: Lizabet пишет: Хорошо получилось)))) Спасибо,Юль

Lizabet: С того же шоу 15 апреля)


Nis: and i was at that show

Lizabet: Nis здорово))) Расскажи что-нибудь о шоу, кто понравился, какие впечатления? )))) Судя по смайликам ты в восторге)))

Nis: oh sorry i forgot to return back here, tak da, ja v vostorge o) i will write it in english firstly, stephan lambiel was the best of all really pretty good performances (he had 2- romeo and juliette and another one was tango)..... the crowd fell in love with him immediately since he got the greatest ovations of all. i would say - tumultuous. Even after the show i went to their bus to "hunt" some autographs and he was giving them away permanently, he never said NO. so i got one too he is very kind and pleasant and also very pretty http://lh6.ggpht.com/_WhpnaFKjLIk/Seb0gSi6CYI/AAAAAAAAAOc/HaoMRG3p6sU/s512/IMG_2999.JPG secondly, Kerrs were amazing. they were skating their scottish OD and one performance was on the music from Gladiator. they were just super! have a look http://lh3.ggpht.com/_WhpnaFKjLIk/Seb0wyrNJcI/AAAAAAAAATs/kFnROSSWyoM/s800/IMG_3400.JPG unfortunately i didnt manage to get their autographs, they were already in the bus thirdly, Aliona and Robin, Tatiana and Stanislav http://lh3.ggpht.com/_WhpnaFKjLIk/Seb1IJ_4WUI/AAAAAAAAAa4/wi5Uzm7Iy8Q/s800/IMG_3996.JPG were really professional! i liked their common number. here u can see the great difference between master´s skating and pair skating of lower levels i had possibility to see. aliona and tatiana are like twins, they are not higher than their lagguage i think but both are beautiful. others: Plushenko - he is skating very well, he showed us 2 triple Axels and other jumps but to be sincere - in his skating i can see nothing new, nothing we hadn´t seen before. Sylvia Fontana - crazy, dancing, italian character i would like to see Surya better Sergej Jakimenko - good acrobat but jump over the car with the help of trampoline was pretty awkward Chesnas were great, i like that flying although im always scared a lot...... they had to perform a bit longer than they had planned because the crowd wanted them and asked for them o) me too Elena Glebova - hm hm hm.. nice, she was falling all the time so u can imagine final impression... Irina Kazakova - contortionist....... uuf i cant watch her, really au au Jozef Sabovčík - our representant, maybe some of you remember him...... he is slovak - it means great ovations, we love him. even in his late 40s he is jumping joe, doing somersaults and all that stuff Naomi Lang and Peter Tschernyshev - still good ice dancers, they are able to express any love story i think o).... good performances! but naomi is a bit "wide" already and peter has problems to lift her up o) and here you can see some photos: http://picasaweb.google.sk/DusanRFoto/20090415PluscenkoVBratislaveKrasokorculovanie# http://www.mshkzilina.sk/index.php?url=clanok-detail&id=13361 and i forgot - Edwin Marton is still the best part of Plushenko´s stuff

Lizabet: Nis спасибо за такой рассказ)))) Очень позитивный))) Про Ламбьеля ты права, он никогда не скажет "нет")))) Я помню на капе 2007, он ходил возле трибун со стороны льда, так его так атаковали всем был нужен, и он каждой дал автограф))) я не исключение Рада что понравились Алёна, Робин, Таня и Стас, я бы тоже хотела увидеть их совместный номер вживую)))) Йозефа Сабовчика я помню, точнее знаю))) Я в то вреям когда он выступал только, только родилась




KsuKo: Nika , фотки классные!! а интересно, что это за бугай на последней фотке?

Ксюшка: KsuKo пишет: интересно, что это за бугай на последней фотке? Ральф Мюллер.Актёр.

Ксения: Впервые о таком слышу...

Nis: offtop: does plushenko perform with his show in russia too? or only abroad?

чертополох: Nika, это Ваши фотографии и Вы были вместе с ними???

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